It’s been a busy creative year – so creative that I let this blog just slide into oblivion. Bad me. Bad. Bad. Bad.
Nuff said! I’m ramping up to sharing much about the various creative projects I’ve worked on. In the next few weeks, I’ll most certainly share a few excerpts from my soon to-be-released STARGATE SG-1 NOVEL, “The Drift.” It’s been a long process to get this book made, but now the manuscript is in MGM’s hands so …
Tick. Tick. Tick.
In the meantime, however, here’s a peek at the other baby I’ve been nursing for the past year. Take a look at the trailer for EPILOGUE – a 6-part Science Fiction web series that I developed and produced with a slew of extraordinarily talented folks from, yep — Missouri State University. (Note: Don’t let the ‘student production’ moniker scare you off. Instead, think of the college as a studio –with all the resources available that you can imagine and beyond!).