Writing, Editing, Guesting

It’s been a hyper-busy few weeks as Epilogue moves from final drafts into an intense pre-production phase.  Production begins in mid March so look for some behind the scenes images and tales once we kick into gear.  I’m currently in edits for Stargate SG-1 – THE DRIFT and hope to share some passages once Fandemonium has passed the manuscript on to MGM.   If you’re in Springfield, MO this weekend, I’ll be appearing at VisionCon and might be persuaded to share a few scenes during my Saturday, 1pm Author’s Reading and Q&A.  I’ll also take part in a panel at 3pm on the Future of Science Fiction.  A subject with so many possible permutations that honestly, I don’t think we’ll have a shortage of things to discuss.

And yes, I’ve finished LOST.  More to come on that subject in a few days.  The brain’s still percolating.  Stay tuned.  In the meantime, for those of you who are fans of story and modern myth, here’s a link to great blog post from one of my critique partners — Jen Brooks.   She discusses “mythopoeia.”  The term was coined by J.R.R. Tolkien, and translated from the Greek it means “myth making.”