Move Over ComicCon — Space City Con Countdown


I’ve been thinking a lot today about this article on Blockbuster Fatigue and how it relates to my fondness of all things pop culture.   No question — the latest round of big honking movies has felt more like a round of a Chinese food.  I’m stuffed until an hour later — then I’m hungry for something more.

I was prepping questions for some panels I’ll run at the upcoming SF con Space City  when I first stumbled upon the above-mentioned article.   The questions are for Stargate SG-1 and Atlantis actors (more on this below).  As I put together my list, it occurred to me why I never felt ‘hungry’ after watching an episode.  (Of course, that goes for Star Trek, too, and yep!  There will be a gaggle of Trek actors at Space City including Denise Crosby (Tasha Yar), J. G. Hertzler (Martok), Tim Russ (Tuvok) and many more).

Stargate @ Space City
Alexis Cruz (Skaara, Stargate, SG-1)
Marshall Teague (Col. Frank Cromwell, SG-1)
John de Lancie (Col. Frank Simmons, SG-1)
Torri Higginson (Dr. Elizabeth Weir, SG-1/Atlantis)
Jewel Staite (Dr. Jennifer Keller, Atlantis)
Robert Picardo (Richard Woolsey – SG-1, Atlantis)

Those Stargate characters — unlike current SF blockbusters —  had complexities.  Many of the characters were as well-rounded as you can get.  Jack O’Neill, Rodney McKay, Daniel Jackson, Elizabeth Weir, etc… They had foibles, fears, and yet could pull it together to do the big things.  We admired them as heroes, but could connect with them as people.   Years later, we still remember Skaara’s commitment to keeping his people safe, sure, but we also remember his childlike wonder upon seeing a zippo light up.   Richard Woolsey struggled with defining who he was while trying to stick to the letter of the law — no matter who was yanking his chain.

So, happily, I’m ready to pounce back into the pop culture celebration this coming week thanks to this gem of a con.  Who needs 140,000 bodies pressed together just for the slim chance that maybe you’ll make it into a panel with your favorite actors/writers/artists?

I could endlessly count the advantages of moving to Houston, but right now the topper would be Space City Con.  It’s happening August 2nd to the 4th and if you can name an SF franchise, trust me, it’ll be well represented, especially and most definitely including Stargate with fan-favorites:

gwThanks to the Herculean efforts of the Space City con folks, I’ll represent Gateworld for several events throughout the weekend.  If you’re in the area, stop by!  And if you can’t make it, but have a question, post it below.  I can’t promise everyone’s questions will get answered, but we’ll certainly make the effort!  I’ll also be signing copies of FOUR DRAGONS and THE DRIFT as well as both production and writers’ draft editions of STAR TREK: Next Generation‘s “Rascals.”  I hope to see you there!

Friday, August 2nd – 1 to 2:30pm
Where’d Television’s Space Exploration Go?
For the past fifty years we’ve been thrilled by Star Trek, stepped through the Stargate to countless worlds in as many galaxies, and had our sense of wonder taken to new limits with Battlestar Galactica. But now…! For the first time in decades, science fiction television is purely Earthbound – whether it’s in the guise of an Earth altered by Defiance, a secret operation inside Warehouse 13, or time travel to modern day Vancouver. SpaceCityCon attendees (with a special call-out to our Gateworld Community) are cordially invited to join in on the discussion. The recorded open debate will become available on Gateworld (and iTunes) shortly after the con wraps.

Friday, August 2nd – 7:00 TO 8:30pm
Antarctica. The original home of the Lost City (Atlantis), the Ancient weapons chair, and the second Stargate. The frozen ‘bottom of the world’ holds a special place in Stargate’s expansive mythology. In “The Drift,” Botsford’s latest SG-1 novel, the future of the Ancient outpost, the Stargate Program, and Earth itself are thrown into jeopardy when a natural disaster hits Antarctica. Botsford visited the frozen south in preparation for “The Drift,” and in this panel will share photos and videos from her search for the Ancient outpost as well as selected readings.

Saturday, August 3rd – 5 to 7pm
WITH: Robert Picardo,  Alexis Cruz, John de Lancie, Torri Higginson, Jewel Staite, Marshall Teague
From conception to finale, these Stargate SG-1 and Stargate Atlantis actors created some of the most memorable characters in science fiction television history. Join Gateworld in this special two-hour panel as we visit with these fan-favorite actors, discuss their contributions to the Stargate franchise, and find out more about why lies ahead in their stellar pursuits.

Sunday, August 4th – 11:30 to 12:30pm
There’s good guys and villains… and then there’s the characters who you’re never quite sure who’s side they’re on. Enter John de Lancie who’s career spans not one, but two much-loved science fiction franchises: Star Trek (as the omnipotent yet mischievous Q) and Stargate (as the duplicitous Colonel Frank Simmons). This one-hour in-depth interview explores the unique brand of drama and humor that de Lancie brought to these complex characters — their chameleon-like agendas sending many a commanding officer’s head spinning… and delighted audiences across the globe.