Updated! May 26th: Martin Wood no longer able to attend. Cliff Simon will gate in for a Skype visit with fans!
It’s getting to be that time of year again – flying here and there and meeting extraordinary fans, insightful artists, thoughtful writers, and seeing all sorts of awesome costumes! First up:
This will be my second year at TimeGate Atlanta — (May 27-29) and yep, it’s a hybrid Stargate/Doctor Who con and really, one of best run operations I’ve ever experienced.
In addition to some presentations of my own (more in a moment on that!), I’ll be teaming up with Gateworld‘s David Read to host a Skype video interview with Stargate actor Cliff Simon aka Baal.
director/producer Martin Wood (who’s now Exec Producer and Director on Sanctuary). It’ll be interesting to get Cliff Simon’s Martin’s retrospective on the franchise as well as (hopefully) some fun behind-the-scenes tales from episodes such as Abyss and the Stargate Continuum DVD film. Con attendees will get to ask questions as well. (Sunday, 4pm, ET)
I’ve also been asked to share a presentation on my Antarctica expedition along with my research to determine where the Ancient Outpost would have really been situated (Not as easy as it sounds, but yes! Thanks to many conversations with USAF folks, Polar Star expedition staff members and a great deal of reading, I’ve figured it. But don’t worry, if you can’t make TimeGate, you can wait to read THE DRIFT. (Saturday, 2pm).
I’ll also be sharing a panel with Stargate Atlantis writer Melissa Scott on writing for tie-in’s, particularly the Stargate Franchise. (Sunday, 1pm)
In the spirit of our visit with Martin Wood, and my presentation on Antarctica, David Read and I will do a video commentary on Stargate SG-1’s Lost City. (Sunday, 3pm)
Last, but not least, I’ve invited Con attendees to join me in a writing workshop. (Saturday, 3pm)
Those attending need to bring a scene from a short story, novel or screenplay. You’ll want to bring a minimum of 5 copies so it can be read aloud amongst workshop
attendees. Everyone will be involved in providing critiques in a constructive, supportive manner which will help the writer to improve their work because, afterall, writing is rewriting!

So yeah – busy, busy, but fun! If you’re in the area, hopefully you’ll visit because even if you’re not a Stargate or Who fan, how can you resist a visit with the con’s resident mascot, Princess.
Hope to see you there!